Knitter's Review November 1, 2002
 Last week we were discussing whether the knitting craze had reached its peak. Yet inspiring stories keep surfacing to prove otherwise.
A reader introduced me to Cast-Off, an inspiring group of young British knitters who are committed to promoting knitting as a "fashionable and productive pastime."
To quote the group's charter, "We knit in pubs, in clubs, and we take our knitting on adventures. We are sponsored by no-one, we do this for the love of knitting."
Recently they boarded the Circle Line on London's undergound. Around and around they rode, knitting, talking, teaching, and engaging curious onlookers.
Reading about this group, I felt heartened. After all, it's everyday knitters like us who carry the torch forward.

New This Week
While Koigu has been busy promoting its new merino crepe, Kersti, Cheryl Potter has quietly released a new handpainted merino sock yarn remarkably similar to Koigu's flagship yarn, Koigu Painter's Palette Premium Merino. In this week's review, I find out of Koigu has finally met its match in Cherry Tree Hill Supersock.
In the Forums
How many times have you lost all sense of place and time while knitting or visiting a yarn shop? Read about this common experience.
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October Winner
Congratulations to Catherine M., winner of this month's prize drawing for a box of Godiva chocolates. I'll have another drawing at the end of November, so stay tuned.
Happy knitting, and I'll chat with you in the forums!
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