Knitter's Review January 23, 2003
 This week we look at a company that was a victim of the dot-com boom in the San Francisco Bay Area, but not for the reasons you may think.
Straw into Gold was a fixture on Berkeley's San Pablo Avenue until escalating rents forced the company to close its doors in 2001.
Fortunately for us, the company has resurfaced in Richmond, California. It may now be a wholesale-only enterprise, but -- as you'll learn in this week's yarn review -- we still have plenty to celebrate.

New This Week
Like stonewashed jeans, Merino Frappe has been teased and taunted to produce an aged look before its time. But has this treatment shortened the yarn's life span? We find out.
Tote Time
If you're like me, you have a separate tote reserved for each project. But what happens when your projects start to outnumber your totes? Our signature canvas tote may be the answer.
Heifer Fundraiser Update
One more week to send in those Heifer Foundation contributions. Will we break the $1,000 mark? Find out next week! Learn more.
In the Forums
What are the advantages of knitting in the round over knitting flat and seaming up your work? Add your two cents.
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Upcoming Events
Festival season doesn't begin for a few more months, but there are still several noteworthy events happening around the country. Find an event near you.
January Pampering
Next week I'll announce the winner of our January newsletter subscriber giveaway. The winner will receive a $50 gift certificate to Bliss, a New York spa that also offers wonderful goodies through its online store. Simply stay
subscribed and you could be picked.
As always, thank you for your readership. Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the forums!
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Knitter's Review Poll
Which do you prefer, knitting flat or in the round?
Participate in our Knitter's Review Poll and you'll see an instant tally of all the votes.

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