Knitter's Review August 21, 2003
Are all knitting needles alike?
If you switch from bamboo double-pointed needles to aluminum-coated circulars, will your knitting experience really change? How about the finished result?
This week we take a quick break from our cotton combos to discuss a basic but essential element of knitting: our needles.

New This Week
Hair stylists have their scissors, painters have their brushes, and we knitters have our needles. This week we return to the important and often-overlooked topic of knitting needles.
We have a new review of Noble Nickels, super-lightweight circular needles from Germany. And we revisit our needle overviews, with in-depth articles about straight needles, circular needles, and double-pointed needles. They're a must-read for any new or lapsed knitters returning to the fold.
2004 Calendar Update
Our Year in Yarn calendar is an annual item, and next week I'll be sending a beautiful new 2004 Year in Yarn calendar to press. I anticipate shipping orders beginning September 15th. Stay tuned for more details on how to pre-order your calendar!
In the Forums: Summer Knitting Accomplishments?
Labor Day is almost here. What have you started, finished, or thrown in the back of the closet since Memorial Day? What new techniques have you attempted, learned, or mastered? Share your experiences.
Forgot your forum username or password? We'll email them to you.
KR Retreat: Color Workshop
Although the weekend rooms are all booked, you're all invited to join us on November 8 for the Saturday workshop portion of the second-annual Knitter's Review Retreat in Syria, Virginia. You'll learn principles and techniques for combining colors with team teachers Annie Modesitt and Bess Haile.
August Prize
It's never too soon to start stocking up on back-to-school stuff. That's why next week we'll pick one subscriber to win a $50 gift certificate to L.L. Bean. Simply stay subscribed to this newsletter and you could win.
As always, thank you for your readership. Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the forums!
P.S. Do you have friends who would enjoy Knitter's Review? If so, use our simple Tell a Friend form and let them know about us.

Knitter's Review Poll
Which material do you prefer for your knitting needles?
Participate in our Knitter's Review Poll and you'll see an instant tally of all the votes.

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