Knitter's Review October 9, 2003
Last week I discussed a designer who encourages us to think outside the color box. And this week I follow up with a yarn whose mere composition takes us well beyond the norm of handknitting yarns.
It is made not from wool or cotton or acrylic but from the byproduct of the tofu manufacturing process. It's called Soy Silk, and we review the yarn this week. (

Also New This Week
Teed Off in the Boutique
Our initial supply of Take Back the Needles long-sleeved tees has almost sold out. Our next batch will also include a roomier unisex style. I'll let you know as soon as they arrive. In the meantime, we have a new sheep notecard! (
In the Forums: Another Healthful Throw
Just what is a healthful throw, and how can you contribute to one?
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November Retreat Update
Join us on November 8 for the Saturday portion of the Knitter's Review Retreat in Syria, Virginia. We'll have a color-knitting workshop in the morning, taught by Annie Modesitt and Bess Haile, followed by an on-site marketplace in the afternoon (featuring Carodan Farm, Stony Mountain Fibers, and Spirit Trail Fiberworks). After dinner, Stony Mountain Fibers' Barbara Gentry will show us how to blend fibers by hand!
October Prize
There's nothing like curling up by the fire with a warm cup of tea (or coffee) and your knitting on a fall evening. In case you need to stock up on provisions for the winter, this month we'll give away a $50 gift certificate to gourmet retailer Dean & DeLuca. Simply stay subscribed and you'll automatically be in the drawing.
As always, thank you for your readership. Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the forums!
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