Knitter's Review December 5, 2003
When designers get a chance to develop their own yarn, exciting things can happen. Jo Sharp and Debbie Bliss are two examples, and this week I introduce a new designer yarn by Elsebeth Lavold. Is it any coincidence that all three designers have the same U.S. distributor? (

Also New This Week
New from The Big Yarn, colorful anodized aluminum stitch markers in standard and bulky sizes! And don't forget to order your yarn-themed holiday cards too. (
Forums Under Construction
I'm in the process of making some exciting upgrades to our much-beloved forums. As a result, I've had to take them offline for the next 24 hours or so. I appreciate your patience and promise that it'll be worth the wait.
Year-End Gift and Challenge
This month we will forego our regular December subscriber prize in favor of a bigger mission: our annual fundraiser for the Heifer Foundation.
This innovative nonprofit group helps families in 115 countries move toward self-sufficiency by giving them breeding livestock. Families spend a year in training and agree to pass on the first female animal offspring and their own know-how to other needy families—in essence, the gift of one animal helps transform an entire community.
Last year the Knitter's Review community (that's us!) raised more than $1,280 for the group, which translates into the gift of four llamas and six sheep to deserving families around the world. I'll kick things off by donating the gift of a sheep on behalf of Knitter's Review. If you would like to join us, you can send a check or money order (payable to Heifer International), in whatever amount you can afford, to:
Knitter's Review
P.O. Box 1617
Blue Hill, ME 04614
As always, thank you for your readership. Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the forums!
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Knitter's Review Poll
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