Knitter's Review December 2, 2004
Today is December 2nd, which means I have frighteningly few days to finish knitting, wrapping, and sending my holiday gifts. As Christmas grows nearer, I start to get nervous.
Fortunately, I think I've found the answer: Joelle Hoverson's new book, aptly titled Last-Minute Knitted Gifts.

In the Boutique: Cheerful Stitches
Working on a tricky pattern and need to mark your place in your work? Make it fun with the clever little stitch markers from Zecca, made of bright and colorful polymer clay ornaments, quirky beads, and buttons. And don't forget, we have knitting-themed holiday cards!
In the Forums: Generation Gap?
Do you think knitting is a skill that's passed on from one generation to the next, or is it something each of us picks up on our own?
Share your experience.
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Year-End Challenge
For December, I'm asking the Knitter's Review community join me in a gift to the Heifer Foundation.
In the past two years we've collected over $2,000, which translates into four llamas and 12 sheep for deserving families around the world.
If you're interested in helping and are in a position to contribute this year, you can send a check or money order (payable to Heifer International), in whatever amount you can afford, to:
Knitter's Review
P.O. Box 1617
Blue Hill, ME 04614
As always, I thank you for your readership and your support. Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the forums!
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