Knitter's Review December 23, 2004
Just when you think you've got the knitting world figured out, someone comes along and changes it... for the better.
I just received a care package from ArtYarns, a relatively new hand-painted yarn company that's carried by more than 200 stores around the country. Take a peek at what was inside.

In the Boutique
We're taking a break this week to catch our breath and prepare for the new year. All in-stock orders will resume shipment starting January 3. Thank you!
In the Forums: Cursing the Curse
We've heard of the curse of the love sweater, but does it extend to scarves?
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Fundraiser Update
This month I asked the Knitter's Review community to join me in a gift to the Heifer Foundation.
I'm proud to report that with your help, we have already raised more than $1,500 this month. This translates into three knitting baskets (or six llamas and six sheep) for deserving families around the world.
But December isn't over yet! If you're interested in helping and are in a position to contribute this year, you can send a check or money order (payable to Heifer International), in whatever amount you can afford, to:
Knitter's Review
P.O. Box 1617
Blue Hill, ME 04614
There will be no newsletter next Thursday, but I'll be back on January 6 with a helpful and entertaining look at the best and worst of 2004.
Thank you for your readership and support this year. Happy New Year, and I'll see you in the forums!
P.S. Do you have friends who would enjoy Knitter's Review? If so, use our simple Tell a Friend form and let them know about us.

Knitter's Review Poll
Have you ever knitted a Christmas stocking?
Participate in our Knitter's Review Poll and you'll see an instant tally of all the votes.

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© Copyright 2000-2004 by Clara H. Parkes. All rights reserved.
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