Knitter's Review March 3, 2005
Novelty yarns are everywhere. Whether they're railroad, eyelash, slub, fur, or sparkle, the different brands look nearly identical.
But not this week. I've discovered Malizia, a strikingly unusual new take on the railroad concept. It puts the "novelty" back in novelty yarns, and I hope you'll join me for a test-knit.

In the KR Boutique: Correspondence Cards
The classic cat in our correspondence cards can't resist tapping at the stray ball of yarn. What is it about cats and yarn, anyway? In celebration of those mysterious creatures, I've put our Cat Playing with Yarn correspondence cards on sale. Enjoy!
In the Forums: Practice Makes Patience?
Do you think that knitting makes us more patient people?
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Knit something soft! Receive 10% off your next order through 3/10/05. Enter code KR0305 during checkout. Enjoy!