Knitter's Review April 14, 2005
They say necessity is the mother of all invention. This was certainly the case when Trina Webb found herself with a plethora of stitches and no way to hold them.
Her husband came to the rescue, crafting an enormous stitch holder out of a household coat hanger.
Word spread, and soon the Webbs were in business. Today the holder is sold in pairs under the label Knitters Friend.
Join me for a closer look at these stitch holders on steroids.

In the KR Boutique: Spring Sass
It may have snowed here in Maine this week, but spring has the rest of the country in its clutches. If your warm-weather wardrobe needs a lift, why not try one of our sassy form-fitting Knit Happens T-shirts?
In the Forums: The New Poncho?
Are shrugs the new poncho? And what are shrugs, anyway? Find out.
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