Knitter's Review September 15, 2005
What do logwood, madder, and black walnut have in common?
Not only are they plants, but also they're just some of the natural dyestuffs Darlene Hayes uses to give rich and vibrant color to her Nature's Palette hand-dyed yarns, which I review this week.

In the Boutique: NeedleSizer is Back
The Big Yarn plastic NeedleSizers are back, and now in crystal clear blue! They work like a jeweler's ring sizer, telling you the size of your knitting needles from U.S. 0 to 17.
In the Forums: Lace Longings
A fairly new lace knitter asks what drives you to knit lace?
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Helping After Katrina
When crisis strikes, we often want to grab our needles and knit relief for those in trouble. But with Hurricane Katrina, the most urgent need remains cash.
Several yarn stores have offered up portions of their sales proceeds to charity, and beginning September 16 Interweave Press will auction off 15 pieces of handmade jewelry, art, and clothing from the pages of Interweave's publications to benefit American Red Cross' Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund. You can also donate directly to the American Red Cross. No matter how we do it, every penny will help.
As always, I thank you for your readership and support. Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the forums,
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Knitter's Review Poll
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Knitter's Review P.O. Box 1617 Blue Hill, ME 04614 207-326-9632
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