Knitter's Review August 5, 2010
Greetings from London! I've spent the last week here teaching, meeting knitters from around the world, and drinking far too much tea.
It was all part of the U.K.'s first-ever Knit Nation, and I've got loads of pictures, stories, and links for you.
This weekend in Maine
Bartlett Yarns has one of the last remaining spinning mules in the United States. This type of machine creates a lofty woolen-spun yarn that looks just like the old-fashioned farmhouse yarns of yore—and is also quite forgiving on the needles. This weekend is your chance to see the spinning mule in action as the Harmony, Maine, mill hosts its annual open house. The mill is north of Augusta, approximately four hours from Boston, and entirely worth the trip.
In the Forum: August Woolalong
This month, our Knitter's Book of Wool woolalong takes us to the Shetland Islands as we spin, knit, or simply contemplate Shetland wool. Won't you join us?
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As always, I thank you for your readership and your support.
Happy knitting, and I'll see you August 19th!

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