May 3, 2001
I love May, the month I was born many moons ago.
Every year at this time, I shed my winter skin and am reborn into the warmth and sunshine of summer.
Tales of Tucson
Last weekend I kick-started the thaw with a quick journey to Arizona, where I grew up. Join me this week as I explore the town through my adult eyes and discover a thriving knitting community where once there was none.
Next week I report from the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, where I'll scout out small-scale yarn manufacturers, befriend various four-legged fur-bearing creatures, and stock up on fleece to inaugurate my new Schacht wheel.
If there's anything specific you'd like to learn about the show, email me about it before the end of Friday.
Events Aplenty
I've just finished adding a slew of summer happenings to
our events calendar. Be sure to check it out if you plan
on doing any fiber-related travels this summer!
Shorter Downloads
Did you know that the Knitter's Review newsletter is also available in a bare-bones text format? You won't get any pictures or pretty formatting, but you'll be able to read Knitter's Review without having to be connected to the Internet.
If you currently receive the HTML version and would like to be switched to the text format, simply send me an email with "text" in the subject line.
Next Subscriber Giveaway
Our next newsletter subscriber drawing will be on May 31st. This month's prize is a $50 gift certificate to! Just stay subscribed and you'll automatically be included in the drawing. Many thanks to Jennifer Dexter for her generous donation.
Happy knitting!
P.S.-Do you have friends who would enjoy Knitter's Review? If so, use our simple Tell a Friend form and let them know about us.

New This Week...
Knitterly Travels:
Tales of Tucson
If your stagecoach gets stranded in Tucson, don't fret. Once a bleak destination for knitters, Tucson now has two exciting yarn outposts. And interestingly enough, both are owned by the same woman!
Read the full story
Magazine Preview:
Interweave Knits Summer 2001
The latest issue of Interweave Knits just hit the newsstands. It's dubbed the First Annual Special Collector's Issue. Will you want to collect it? Take a look!
Read the full review
Knitter's Review Poll:
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