Knitter's Review
February 27, 2003

handpainted silk rovings from The SilkworkerLast weekend I and some 200 others converged for an intimate fiber gathering in Portland, Maine, while on the opposite coast one of the largest knitting shows in the U.S. was taking place.

While I sat and swatched sparkly squares of unusual yarns for this week's reviews, Stitches West was luring hundreds of knitters into its cavernous hallways overflowing with colors and textures.

Lucky for you, this week you get to hear more about the yarns I was swatching and Stitches West.


New This Week
We put tinsel on trees, why not on ourselves too? These two yarns will do the trick, but in distinctly different ways.

It's been called the Mecca of knitting shows, this massive yarnfest that draws attendees far and wide each year. Join one reader as she attends Stitches West in Oakland for the first time.

In the Forums
We know that Agatha Christie's Miss Marple was an avid knitter. But can you name other famous literary figures who knit?

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February Flowers
Congratulations to Lisa S., winner of this month's drawing for a dozen long-stemmed roses! What will next month's prize be? Stay tuned to find out.

As always, thank you for your readership. Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the forums!

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