Knitter's Review
March 6, 2003

the new knitting lady pinWe last surveyed over-the-counter hand-dyed yarns in June of 2001.

A lot has happened since then as waves of newcomers have flooded the market.

Some are solidly rooted in the fiber arts, while others -- often survivors of corporate burnout or dot-com layoffs -- have decided to transform a personal love into a successful business.

A little-known secret is that many of these newcomers use identical yarns as their canvas, often acquiring them from the very same company. This makes their color choice and dye technique, rather than quality of yarn, the only true differentiator.

This month we'll update you on the hand-dyed yarn market.


New This Week
Our series begins with a look at Interlacements, Judy Ditmore's Colorado-based company that has been filling dye pots since 1996.

Boutique Betty is Here
She's a pin! She's a pendant! But more important, she's a knitter! Introducing the whimsical knitting lady pin handcrafted from formed fimo clay, glass, pewter, and silver.

In the Forums
Many of you noticed that the forums were offline for several days last week while we performed a long-overdue software upgrade. The good news is that the forums are back up and running faster and more reliably than ever. Thank you for your patience.

From toothbrush to paint brush, spray bottle to medical syringe, your dyeing techniques are as diverse as your results. Join us as we share tricks and learn from others.

Forgot your forum username or password? Click here and we'll email them to you.

March Subscriber Prize
Some of the best knitting books are long out of print and hard to find. That's why this month we're giving away a $50 gift certificate to, which connects you to the shelves of used and rare book dealers around the world.

As always, thank you for your readership. Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the forums!

P.S. Do you have friends who would enjoy Knitter's Review? If so, use our simple Tell a Friend form and let them know about us.


Knitter's Review Poll

Which stimulates you more, color or texture?

 Participate in our Knitter's Review Poll and you'll see an instant tally of all the votes.


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© Copyright 2000-2003 by Clara H. Parkes. All rights reserved.
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This week's sponsor
Elann Dancing Vines Pullover
Debut Elann Pattern!
Includes ample knitter
sizing, and can be knit
in our special purchase
Naturelle 8/8 recycled
cotton/acrylic blend,
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