Knitter's Review September 22, 2005
In our quest for quick-knitting gratification, have we pushed the boundaries of bulky too far? We've even started to skip yarn altogether, opting to knit with pencil-thick streams of unspun fiber.
And yet that's exactly what I did this week when I took a billowy, suitcase-sized hank of Crown Mountain Farms Corriedale Pencil Roving for a test-knit.

In the Boutique: In the Blue
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who loves the bright blue plastic NeedleSizers from The Big Yarn! The color is new, the shape and design are improved, and we have more in stock.
In the Forums: What Yarn Are You?
One member shares a funny but insightful poll intended to find out what kind of yarn you are.
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Knitter's Review Poll
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Knitter's Review P.O. Box 1617 Blue Hill, ME 04614 207-326-9632
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