Knitter's Review
July 17, 2008
fresh summer watermelon

Paul Simon sang about diamonds on the soles of our shoes, and Helene Magnusson writes about diamonds on the insoles of our shoes.

Her book is called Icelandic Knitting: Using Rose Patterns. Originally published in Iceland and only recently available in English, the book explores the history and tradition of the knitted shoe insert. It's a concept only knitters would appreciate: taking great care to create a colorful piece of knitted fabric that nobody else will see.

Lela Nargi tells us more about what we can find inside Helene's book.

This Weekend in California
Just a 90-minute drive northeast of San Francisco is the town of Dixon, which has been a major sheep producer since the 1940s. While the main focus is on meat, the town also has a heightened respect for the fiber that these animals produce—which is why everybody gathers to celebrate sheep every year at the Lambtown, USA festival. This year the festival takes place on Saturday at the Dixon May Fairgrounds. While there will be plenty of lamb sizzling on the grills, the festival also has loads of activities that celebrate the fiber tradition, including a marketplace and fleece shows and sales.

In the Forum: Swatch Talk
OK, fess up. How many of you actually knit gauge swatches before you begin? One Forum member has been knitting for 20 years and has yet to do this. What about you?

As always, thank you for your readership and your support.

Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the Forums!
Clara Parkes

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