Knitter's Review
April 9, 2009
SeaWool yarn in action

For those of you who don't yet know that last week's newsletter was an April Fool's spoof, let me reassure you that there is no yarn made from recycled kitty litter. Not yet, anyway.

But we do have some pretty strange substances in our yarns—which is why some readers initially believed the review. The grandmother of all strange materials would have to be seaweed, so that's where we turn this week, with a real review of a real yarn with seaweed in it.

This Week in Indiana
The Fiber Event is happening this Friday and Saturday, April 10-11, at the Putnam County Fairgrounds in Greencastle, Indiana. There'll be vendors, competitions, and workshops on everything from spinning for lace to fiber basics, needle felting, and natural dyeing.

In the Forum: Dyelot Woes
Miele proudly wore her newly completed sweater to work, where the larger mirrors and brighter lights revealed that her garment was not all the same color—even though the skeins were marked with the same dye lot. Have you ever had this happen? If so, share some creative ways to deal with an unintentionally variegated sweater.

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As always, I thank you for your readership and your support.

Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the Forums!
Clara Parkes

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Knitter's Review P.O. Box 1617 Blue Hill, ME 04614 207-326-9632