Knitter's Review
November 19, 2009 By the time you read this, I'll be in Williamstown, Massachusetts, getting ready to welcome the first arrivals to this year's Knitter's Review Retreat. One of my favorite retreat traditions is the stash lounge. Picture a whole room dedicated to yarns we no longer want—but that someone else does. Skeined yarns tend to go quickly. But the yarns that have already been knit, frogged, and rewound? Not so much. Which is sad, since a few simple steps can transform those yarns into gorgeous skeins worthy of any LYS. This week I show how you can breathe new life into those abandoned skeins. This Weekend in Vermont In the Forum: Knitting on the Road Need help logging into the Forums? Please note that there will be no newsletter next week in observance of Thanksgiving Day here in the United States. As always, I thank you for your readership and your support. Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the Forums! P.S. Do you have friends who would enjoy Knitter's Review? If so, don't hesitate to forward this email to them. Knitter's Review Poll Would you consider knitting with yarn from someone else's unraveled project?
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