Knitter's Review
December 3, 2009
Hedgerows socks and mitts

Over the weekend before Thanksgiving, 110 intrepid knitters gathered in western Massachusetts for the 8th annual Knitter's Review Retreat.

We laughed, we knit, we ate, we learned, we connected, we shopped, we read poetry, and we even recited our wedding vows.

See pictures, read the poem, and recite the vows for yourself.

This Weekend in Maine
Calling all New England knitters! Come join me at Purl Diva in Brunswick, Maine, this Saturday from 1-4pm for a signing of my new book, The Knitter's Book of Wool. I've packed my small wicker suitcase full of samples and I hope to see you there.

Knitted Periodic Table of Elements, Anyone?
What happens when you slice open a knitted frog? Normally you might just get a wad of stuffing. But if that frog is part of the Bizarre and Brilliant World of Knitted Science photo gallery in the most recent issue of Discover Magazine, it will contain perfectly knitted and felted innards. You'll also find knitted plankton, a sweater with the Periodic Tablc of Elements on it, a knitted brain, and even a crocheted physical model of hyperbolic space—to name a few.

In the Forum: Lace or Cables?
The holiday knitting season is upon us, and we've reopened the perennial debate: cables or lace? Or, as Fran suggests, why not make small things that let you practice both lace and cables?

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Say it with Yarn
Speaking of holidays, we have our very own knitting-themed holiday cards in the Knitter's Review Boutique. Available in packs of 10, they're printed right here in Maine on heavy premium card stock with a cheerful glossy finish.

As always, I thank you for your readership and your support.

Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the Forums!
Clara Parkes

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Knitter's Review Poll

Lace or cables?

 Participate in our Knitter's Review Poll and you'll see an instant tally of all the votes.

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© Copyright 2000-2009 by Clara H. Parkes. All rights reserved.
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Knitter's Review P.O. Box 1617 Blue Hill, ME 04614 207-326-9632

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One Planet Yarn and Fiber

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