Knitter's Review
February 25, 2010
fiber meets fiber

Malabrigo has been busy putting yet another new twist—both literally and figuratively—on its super-soft kettle-dyed Merino yarn line.

Called Twist, this new yarn is made from not two, not four, but eight tiny plies all twisted tightly together. Do we finally have a Malabrigo that won't pill?

In the Forum: Guessing Yardage
Pamela is teaching a class on top-down sweater construction. No matter which technique she and her students use for figuring out the required yardage for their projects, they always end up with nearly twice too much yarn. She's asking for a reality check from us. Do you find that top-down sweater construction uses less yarn than bottom-up or pieced construction techniques?

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This Weekend in Philadelphia
Join me at Loop in Philadelphia this Friday night from 5-7pm for a reception and signing of my book, The Knitter's Book of Wool. And on Saturday from 10-1pm I'll be teaching all about the wonders of wool. Please come by and say hello!

As always, I thank you for your readership and your support.

Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the Forums!
Clara Parkes

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Knitter's Review Poll

Have you ever knit a sweater from the top down?

 Participate in our Knitter's Review Poll and you'll see an instant tally of all the votes.

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Knitter's Review P.O. Box 1617 Blue Hill, ME 04614 207-326-9632

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String Theory Yarn


Uptown Stitches