Knitter's Review
February 10, 2011
a TV tray of yarn

Few things divide the knitting community as deeply as charts. Some of us love to see our stitches in graphical form. But others need to read their stitches in words.

To resist charts in knitting is like resisting the purl stitch. Once you make friends with charts, a whole new world of creative possibility opens up for you. If you're ready—or if you already love charts but want to learn how to use them even more to your advantage—let JC Briar's new book Charts Made Simple be your guide.

This Weekend in Pennsylvania
On February 11-13, the Four Points Sheraton North in Mars, Pennsylvania, will be overrun by knitters for the seventh-annual Pittsburgh Knit and Crochet Festival. You'll find a marketplace and demonstrations as well as a fashion show, free knitting and crochet classes, a Ravelry meet-up, and a host of workshops.

In the Forum: Using Leftovers?
Jane is gazing at all her leftover sock yarn and wondering what she could do with it—besides socks. What do you like to do with leftover sock yarn?

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As always, I thank you for your readership and your support.

Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the forums,
Clara Parkes

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Knitter's Review Poll

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Knitter's Review P.O. Box 1617 Blue Hill, ME 04614 207-326-9632

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Classic Elite Yarns


Green Mountain Knitting Bags
