Knitter's Review
December 8, 2011
Books books books

What a year for craft books. You couldn't turn around without tripping on a new title. Want to make puppets out of your cat's hair? Prefer making origami out of duct tape? Not to worry, they've got you covered.

Knitting was no different. Some titles stood out amidst the inspiration overwhelm. Here's my list of 11 notable books of 2011.

This Weekend in Maryland
Tank up the car and prepare to go road-tripping as the Countryside Artisans of Maryland hold their self-guided studio tour this Friday through Sunday. The tour includes all sorts of artisans, from potters to blacksmiths, wine makers, painters, and—what you were waiting to hear—sheep farmers and fiber artists. The tour is entirely self-guided, and you can find artisan lists and a map here.

Heifer Fundraiser
Our 10th-annual Heifer International fundraiser is off to a great start. If you find yourself in a position of even modest abundance this year, I encourage you to join me in contributing to this worthy cause.

As always, I thank you for your readership and your support.

Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the Forums,
Clara Parkes

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On the Cover

Inside the author's tent at the New York State Sheep and Wool Festival

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Knitter's Review P.O. Box 5276 Portland, ME 04101 888-653-5558

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