Knitter's Review January 26, 2012
Last weekend it was "wagons ho!" to Phoenix, Arizona, for the semiannual TNNA trade show.
I went, I talked to a lot of people, and I fondled a ton of new yarn. Here's what stood out.
Meet Me in Iceland
After last week's newsletter, I was surprised by how many of you wrote to tell me your own stories about Iceland. It would seem the country has captivated many a knitter's heart. In case you missed it, my September tour will feature workshops about yarn and wool and Lopi sweater design. We'll head up into the mountains for the sorting of the Icelandic sheep, and we'll even have a talk and tasting with Iceland's top chocolate expert. It's a trip of a lifetime, and I hope you'll join me.
Next Month in Rhode Island
A National Historic Landmark, Slater Mill is the site of this country's first successful factory. The weekend of February 10-12, the Community Guild Studios at Slater Mill hosts its fourth-annual Knitting Weekend. In addition to a marketplace on Saturday and Sunday, there will also be a yarn swap, bake sale, and workshops by teachers including Deborah Newton and Mary Jane Mucklestone.
In the Forums: Knitting as Therapy
We all know that knitting is therapeutic. But for some people, the results really are telling. Donna, for example, uses knitting to keep her high blood pressure under control. Do you have a similar story of how knitting is helping you stay well?
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As always, I thank you for your readership and your support.
Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the Forums,

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Knitter's Review Poll
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On the Cover
The Sonora Desert? I'll let you decide.
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