Knitter's Review
October 24, 2013
A proud pair of Rhinebeck sweaters

Last Saturday, a reported 47,000 people packed the Dutchess County Fairgrounds in Rhinebeck, New York, for the New York Sheep and Wool Festival. That's more than attended the whole weekend last year, and almost four times what it was six years ago. The festival was, to put it mildly, mobbed.

Handknits were everywhere. Some people exercised restraint, others piled the knits as high as they'd go. Everywhere, smiles and words of appreciation from friends and strangers alike. For a sense of just how happy the mood and abundant the knits, take a peek at photographer Gail Zucker's beautiful video, Rhinebeck Style.

Knitting a so-called "Rhinebeck sweater" has become such a tradition that Ysolda Teague made it the focus of her latest book, a charming collection of sweater patterns fittingly titled, The Rhinebeck Sweater. It'll be in stores soon, and you'll want to preorder your copy now. I preview it this week.

Two More Stops for the Yarn Whisperer
My heartfelt thanks to everyone who stopped by to see me on my cross-country book tour. Your smiling faces are with me still. New Englanders, this Thursday, October 24, at 7pm, the kind folks at Longfellow Books in Portland (Maine) are hosting a homecoming party and book signing. And next week, on October 29th, I'll be in Toronto for an evening at A Good Read on Roncesvalles Avenue starting at 7pm. See you!

The Mighty Knitted Legacy of Barbara Walker
Here's something you don't get every day: a chance to purchase one of Barbara Walker's original garments, knit by her, for her. Facilitated by Schoolhouse Press, these items will be auctioned off in three batches. The look books for each auction are rather astounding.

In the Forums: Where to Gather?
Cindy is trying to start a new knitting group. She needs to find a place that isn't a private home, but where people can bring food and wine and gather in relative privacy. Any ideas?

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As ever, I thank you for letting me be a part of your knitting life.

I'll talk to you again from Canandaigua, New York, on November 6!

Clara Parkes

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Knitter's Review Poll

Have you ever rushed to complete a sweater in time to wear it at a fiber festival?

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On the Cover

Spotted on the fairgrounds: A proud pair of Rhinebeck sweaters

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Knitter's Review P.O. Box 5276 Portland, ME 04101 888-653-5558

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Grace Akhrem

Briar Rose Fibers


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